我司自主研发生产高性能铝合金门窗系列产品,设设采用双重防水SANRIPRE热塑性胶条和排水系统, 彻
We design and produce all type high-performance of aluminum glass door & window, use dual water-
Proof Sanripre sealant and drainage system. Say goodbye to sealant aging and leakage problems.
Equipped with our Motorized Rolling Blinds IGU, Lattice IGU makes our door and window more
Elegance. Our door and window have many types like:top-railing sliding door,single track double panel
Sliding door,double track double panel sliding door, double tracking four panel sliding door,single panel
Open door, double panel flush door,inside or outside Bi-folding door, inside or outside open window,
Sliding window,top-raling window, bottom railing window,German type vertical & inside open window